Natural Skin Care

The Facts About Oily Skin Care

To start the discussion on oily skin care, it’s imperative to first understand the cause behind oily skin. Put […]

What is Natural Skin Care?

Put simply, ‘natural skin care’ is caring for your skin in a natural and chemical-free way. ‘Natural skin care’ […]

Organic Skin Care

Anti Aging Skin Care

One of the most interesting topics on skin care is ‘anti aging skin care’. As one gets older, the […]

Eczema Vanished

Skin Care Tips

All About Facial Skin Care

‘Facial skin care‘ is more a matter of discipline than anything else. A facial skin care routine is what you need (and you need to follow the facial skin care routine with complete seriousness). So let’s check what comprises an effective facial skin care routine. Well, very simply, a facial skin care routine can follow the following 4 steps: * Cleansing * Toning * Exfoliating * Moisturising Cleansing is the first thing in facial skin care routine. […]

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Personal Skin Care Is A Routine

We all know the importance of ‘personal skin care’. The opinion on how-to (for personal skin care) differs from person to person. Some people believe that going to beauty parlours every other day is personal skin care. Others believe that personal skin care is just a matter of applying some cream or lotion on your skin, every now and then. Then there are people who think that personal skin care is an event that happens once a […]

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Top 10 Skin Care Tips

Healthy skin is really one of the most important ingredients for beauty-enhancement. This article on skin care tips is an effort to bring the 10 best skin care tips to you. The list of skin care tips has been restricted to 10 because anything more that that would not only be difficult to remember, but also shadow the more important skin care tips. So let’s see what these top ten skin care tips are: * Knowing your […]

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The Recipe For Dry Skin Care

Dry skin cannot be ignored. Dry skin leads to cracking of the upper layer of skin and gives it a real bad appearance. The main causes of dry skin include: dry climate, hormonal changes, too much exfoliation and treatment of other skin disorders. Moreover, dryness could be the inherent nature of one’s skin. Whatever be the cause, ‘dry skin care’ is very important (but not very difficult). ‘Dry skin care’ starts with moisturisers, the most effective remedy […]

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